Call For Papers

The Immersion Review, the leading publication of serious martial arts and hoplological research today, is calling for articles, papers or think pieces on bladed combative arts.
We are seeking articles on historical, technical, comparative or anthropological perspectives of armed combative systems. Articles oriented towards rituals, religion or mysticism will also be accepted for review.
If you have an idea for submission, please contact us by filling out the
form below. Once your proposal is accepted, please use the checklist and other helpful information on this page to craft your article. We request that you review them carefully before penning your thoughts. Please send us your write-up no later than July 01, 2020.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by a panel of veteran martial artists and academic scholars. Accepted articles will be printed in Volume 2 of The Immersion Review. As a token of appreciation, we also offer you a full-page advertisement in the same edition of The Immersion Review as your article.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Editorial Board
The Immersion Review
Editorial board review and acceptance
Jul 01, 2020
Final draft submission
Sep 30, 2020
Receive peer / editorial feedback
Nov 30, 2020
Final papers due
Magazine published
Submission requirements

Ownership / Copyright
The work must be original, and no one besides the author(s) must own the copyright to the content.
All manuscripts must be original material and not published previously elsewhere. Any previously published work will not be accepted.
The author(s) must own copyrights of all the media used in the article. Any media from the public domain must be clearly specified.
Once accepted by the Immersion Review, the same article may not be published elsewhere without written permission from
The Immersion Review.

Content / Topics
No articles on personalities or combative sports will be accepted.
Articles should be well-thought-out and well-written pieces.
Wherever possible, indicate the experience and / or level of expertise you are assuming of the reader.
Refrain from plugging products in the article. Contact the editors for advertisement spots for promoting products.
Attribution / References
Include all citations and references in footnotes.
References to practitioners, schools and their philosophies are welcome. However, add them only to help the reader understand the art better.

Structure / Formatting
Keep the word count between 2500 and 10,000 words. Feel free to use any structure that you think might benefit the reader.
Use Times New Roman font, size 12. All articles should be double-spaced with standard margins.
Include the title and your name on a separate page. Ensure that the identity of the author(s) is not revealed in the body of the paper. This will allow an anonymous review process to evaluate your manuscript.
Mark lines that you would like highlighted as quotes in the article. You may also place them at the end of the article
(See example below). -
Although The Immersion Review is for adult martial artists, avoid profanity unless absolutely necessary.
Make liberal use of illustrations and photographs in your articles. We recommend 15 - 30 photographs per article, in JPEG or RAW format.
Identify each image with a unique number in its filename. Include captions for all images on a separate sheet (See example below). Compress all images into a single zip file.
The minimum resolution for videos is 1080p, unless they are older historic artifacts. Use Dropbox or WeTransfer for secure transfer of the videos.
Below are examples for including photos and quotes in your article.

Checklist for article submission
Article (2,500 - 10,000 words).
15 - 30 photographs or illustrations, compressed into a single zip file.
Captions for the photographs on a separate sheet of paper.
Videos (Use Dropbox or WeTransfer).
Title of the article and name(s) of the author(s) on a separate page.
Contact information that you would like to share in the magazine.
E.g. website, Facebook, Instagram and links to any other social media accounts. -
Profile photo.
Short bio (no more than 50 words).
Full-page color complimentary advertisement.
Submit your ad in A4 size (210 × 297 millimeters or 8.27 × 11.69 inches).